Wisdom of Solomon


If Solomon were to be a golfer,

Gladly, I’ll be his most-faithful caddy

Learning lessons hoard like haze

Learn his wise ways in all ways

And never be folly sway in a day.


Advice Odysseys of things to say

Jonah wouldn’t be scared to do what God say

Learning lessons hoard like haze

Learn his wise ways in all ways

And Alexander would avoid a Judas way


Copy and learn from a teaching history

Clap a thunder and lean to his victory

Carrying his most heavy witty white wining golf

Crying so bitterly if ever he drops

Comfort and convince him to try again


Carrying his heavy windbag of witty clubs

Cost a lot like salty caviars

Cross and Jesus like; Sacrifices

Carefully, I’ll watch his good ways

‘Come on’, he’ll say.




        By Onyeche Vincent Onyeka

        © 2010 https://vinzpoetry.wordpress.com