Room quiet as a graveyard
Clock ticking in loud sound
Even the water from the taps
Drop echoing reoccurrences.

Jon was caught up in a mood
To cuddle someone he adores;
Mel was his floor and flood
Queen of his heart, he applauds.

The windy weather was wet
Honey cold and cozy he felt;
He drove to a pharmacy store
Procured pills for fun not flaw.

Zooming in the counts of five,
He got back home early alive
Dinner, his flat stomach wish
To eat, so he prepared a dish.

Bunch of roses Mel had got
Last two fridays, that just past
Added a romantic fragrance
To a song playing background.

Ecstasies grew, on the phone
He reminded her of the plan;
She jeered in reassurance
She will be home, hot by six.

Reclining, stretching pills
He drank in anticipations
Singing and lighting candles,
Dressing the kingsize bed.

Few hours after, he redialled
her number, at the other end
of the telephone, Mel ran into
a van and didn’t make it through.

Tick… tick; time ran so fast
In foil, Jon waited for hours
With several swallowed pills
All night long, by the bluebells.